方恩格/立委把無聊當有趣 別為刷存在感作踐自己

▲立法院朝野立委爆發肢體衝突的場面時有所聞,斯洛伐克國會訪問團9日參訪立法院時,竟模擬立法院上演全武行的景象 。(圖/記者屠惠剛攝)

● 方恩格(Ross Darrell Feingold)/前美國共和黨海外部亞太區主席

作為一個旅居台灣的外國人,經常在台灣媒體上撰文,評論台灣的電視節目,評論台灣的政治和外交,作為一個長期居住在台灣的人,我很清楚,在國際媒體上,與台灣有關的新聞,大多都是負面的消息(儘管台灣政府努力在世界宣傳台灣,打著Taiwan Can Help等口號)。我也經常批評台灣政府為了獲得國際同情而進行「取暖」的行動。

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國際媒體批評台灣令人痛心 立委竟放任外國官員作踐自己




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勇於對外國人say no 別為了刷存在感而自取其辱 

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● Ross Darrell Feingold/Former Asia Chairman, Republicans Abroad

As a foreigner who lives in Taiwan and frequently writes in the Taiwan media, and comments on Taiwan television programs, about Taiwan’s politics and foreign relations, and as a longtime resident of Taiwan, I’m well aware that Taiwan is often in the international media for negative rather than positive reasons (despite the Taiwan government’s efforts to promote Taiwan worldwide, with slogans such as Taiwan Can Help"). I also often criticize the Taiwan government’s willingness to engage in pity party actions in order to obtain international sympathy.

Thus, I’m sad when media such as The Economist published a frontpage story with a headline The Most Dangerous Place on Earth.

I’m sad when various global media report negative news about Taiwan such as earthquakes or typhoons, threats from China, or repeatedly compare Taiwan with Ukraine.

I’m sad when global media report about fights or the throwing of food by legislators at the Legislative Yuan; unfortunately both the Chinese Nationalist Party and Democratic Progressive Party are repeatedly guilty of this behavior. Even recently, Chinese Nationalist Party legislators did this again just days before party chairman Eric Chu Li-luan visited the United States.

But I struggled to find the correct word in English and Mandarin to describe my mixed reaction to what occurred last week when visiting Slovak politicians took photos of themselves imitating Taiwan legislators fighting in the Legislative Yuan. Eventually this author felt disgusted.

Members of the Legislative Yuan, as elected representatives of the people, should aspire to represent Taiwan’s people with dignity.

Diplomats at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs when interacting with foreign dignitaries such as the Slovak visiting delegation, should aspire to represent the country with dignity.

I do not know why the legislators or the Ministry of Foreign Affairs staff who accompanied the Slovak politicians at the Legislative Yuan thought this kind of photo is appropriate. Did the Taiwan persons at the scene not realize that the Slovaks, even if they did not intend to do so (and have no ill will towards Taiwan), were actually mocking Taiwan?

Would these Slovak politicians want foreigners to visit their parliament, and imitate how Slovaks politicians behave, with the photos being broadcast throughout the world? As an American, I would not want foreigners to come to Capitol Hill and imitate the events of January 6, 2021.

As a longtime foreign resident of Taiwan, this incident not only makes me sad, but, after much thought, the word that comes to mind to describe my reaction is: disgusted.

Disgusted that the Slovak delegation did this to their hosts.

Disgusted that certain Taiwan legislators or Taiwan diplomats thought this is appropriate, or thought it is funny.

Disgusted that it took several days for people in Taiwan to realize how inappropriate this was.

This author frequently asks Will the day come when Taiwan’s government simultaneously thanks but also, when it best serves Taiwan’s interests, criticizes the United States or other countries. It is OK for Taiwan to say no to foreigners, and not accommodate foreigners every request. Hopefully the legislators and Ministry of Foreign Affairs staff responsible for this incident will realize this before another such incident.


►黃軒/頑劣病毒粉碎無敵星星 疫苗打好打滿才是王道

►「類百貨公司」誠品越來越難逛 招商不易竟辦特賣會

►周行一/日本背負世界最高負債 岸田文雄面臨艱鉅挑戰

►俄烏戰爭 台灣要注意曝險與半導體動向 

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