葛來儀說什麼不重要 台灣選舉由台灣選民自己決定


▲ 從總統府的網站,可以看到蔡英文總統多次與外國學者或政要會面。(圖/總統府提供)

● 方恩格(Ross Darrell Feingold)/前美國共和黨海外部亞太區主席
● 許淳恩/譯者


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▲ 台灣政治人物不需要訪問華府與美國政府進行「面試」。(圖/國民黨提供)

►►►思想可以無限大--喜歡這篇文章? 歡迎加入「雲論粉絲團」看更多!


Those who have seen this author on Taiwan political talk shows or read the commentaries that I have published in English and Mandarin know that I often say Taiwan politicians, media, and voters should not pay so much attention to what foreign "experts" say.

These experts live far away from Taiwan, only visit a few times a year, and often rely on their own analysis which is not necessarily consistent with realities in Taiwan.

Many of these commentators are biased in order to maintain funding from the Taiwan government or access to Taiwan government agencies such as the Presidential Office and Ministry of Foreign Affairs. When there is a Chinese Nationalist Party president, some of these scholars will praise its policies, and when there is a Democratic Progressive Party president, these scholars similarly praise that president’s policies.

If, prior to a presidential election, polls indicate that a switch in political party is likely, the scholars will begin to switch their praise from the current government to the party that they think is likely to win. Such occurred in the final years of Ma Ying-jeou’s presidency when it was obvious that in the 2016 presidential election, the Chinese Nationalist Party would lose the presidency to the Democratic Progressive Party.

Yet Taiwan’s politicians and political parties continue to treat certain foreign scholars or former government officials with godlike admiration.

The Presidential Office website shows President Tsai Ing-wen repeatedly meeting such foreign dignitaries. The English language Twitter account of the Chinese Nationalist Party shows Chairman Eric Chu taking photos with foreign dignitaries, even though none of them will ever praise the Chinese Nationalist Party or its presidential candidate Hou You-yi (though they might start to praise Hou if he wins the presidential election).

The silly godlike admiration for foreign scholars and foreign think tanks does not help these politicians win elections. That is why this author has repeatedly said that Taiwan politicians do not need to visit Washington DC to interview with the United States government, including Taiwan People’s Party Chairman Ko Wen-je. There is no need to make a speech at prominent think tanks in Washington DC, and there is no need to have closed door meetings with scholars in Washington DC, New York City, or elsewhere.

In recent days media reports say that Chinese Nationalist Party presidential candidate Hou You-ih plans to visit Washington DC in September. Does the Chinese Nationalist Party really believe that four months before voting day, it is more important for Hou to be away from Taiwan and not meeting voters in Taiwan? Does the Chinese Nationalist Party really believe that foreign scholars or United States government officials will say nice things about Hou? Does the Chinese Nationalist Party will avoid the issues that Ko Wen-je encountered during and after his visit to Washington DC?

This author hopes that the latest controversy over what Bonnie Glaser said is a reminder that the winners of the current presidential and legislative election campaign is to be decided by the voters and people of Taiwan. It is not an election to be decided by the US government or the China government. It certainly is not decided by foreign scholars, foreign politicians, or foreign media.

Foreign scholars, politicians, YouTube self-proclaimed experts on Taiwan, and media should also carefully chose their words, and not interfere in Taiwan’s election.
