賴清德就職演說會講什麼? 五件事值得關注

▲ 賴清德、蕭美琴將在5月20日就任中華民國第16任總統。(圖/記者李毓康攝)

● 方恩格(Ross Darrell Feingold)/前美國共和黨海外部亞太區主席
● 許淳恩/譯者


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▲ 賴清德擔任行政院長期間,將自己描述為「務實的台獨工作者」。(圖/記者林敬旻攝)

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▲ 每當總統在重大節日發表重要演說,記者和評論家們都會去注意總統一共稱呼國家的正式名稱「中華民國」,或是「台灣」各幾次。(圖/路透)




▲ 由國民黨占有多數席次的立法院預期將會和行政院或總統府之間產生不少摩擦。(合成圖/記者屠惠剛攝)




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▲ William Lai will be inaugurated as the Republic of China’s 16th-term President on May 20th.(Photo/Yu-Kang Li)

On May 20th, William Lai will be inaugurated as the Republic of China’s 16th-term President. In the coming days there will be much speculation as to what Lai will say, especially about his China policy. After Lai delivers the inauguration address, it will be analyzed by experts not only in Taiwan, but in Washington DC and elsewhere.

Like every democratically elected leader in his first term, what Lai wants most of all is to win a second term in 2028. Thus, it’s more on point to compare his inauguration address to the first inaugural address of President Tsai Ing-wen delivered on May 20, 2016. President Tsai’s second inaugural address on May 20, 2020 is also useful as a comparison, though it was delivered under the unique circumstances of the global pandemic.

Here are five things this author will be watching for in Lai’s inauguration address:

1. Practical Worker for Taiwan Independence: On September 26, 2017 in the Legislative Yuan when he was Premier, Lai described himself as a practical worker for Taiwan independence. Will President Lai repeat the statement in his inaugural address? After all, when it comes to Taiwan’s relationship with China, this one statement is Lai’s most famous comment on the topic, regardless of what he said about Taiwan-China relations during the presidential campaign.

▲ Lai described himself as a practical worker for Taiwan independence.(Photo/HuI-Gang Tu)

Of course, it is easy for Lai to say this when was Premier, and more difficult to say it when he is President. Thus, Lai is unlikely to repeat his most well-known comment on Taiwan’s status. Pressure from the United States, and concern about how China might react, makes it impossible for Lai to repeat it.

2. References to China: As Lai cannot repeat that he is a practical worker for Taiwan independence, he will have to find other ways to describe China and Taiwan as two separate countries who don’t have sovereignty over the other. Descriptions such as the other side (對岸) or mainland area (大陸地區), don’t achieve the goal of emphasizing that each side doesn’t have sovereignty over the other.

In President Tsai’s 2020 inaugural address, she referred in Mandarin to the other side of the strait (對岸), but the English version translates it as China. This was the only direct reference in her address to China. The simple solution will be for Lai to refer to China throughout his address.

3. References to the Republic of China: Whenever the president makes an important address such as on New Years Day or National Day, reporters and commentators will note how many times the president refers to the country by its formal name, the Republic of China, versus how many times the president refers to the country as Taiwan. For example, in President Tsai’s final National Day address last October, media reported that she referred to the Republic of China five times, and to Taiwan thirty seven times. Lai will probably refer to the Republic of China once or twice, such as the beginning of his address when he notes that he has taken the oath of office as the Republic of China president, or, when he pledges to uphold the Republic of China Constitution. However, he is likely to refer to Taiwan many more times than he refers to the Republic of China, which will come as no surprise.

▲ Whenever the president makes an important address, reporters and commentators will note how many times the president refers to the country by its formal name.(Photo/Yu-Kang Li)

4. Economy: A large portion of President Tsai’s 2016 inaugural address was devoted to talking about the economy. President Tsai called for Transforming Economic Structures. In many ways President Tsai achieved such a transformation. Tsai’s economic policies include buzz words like Forward-looking Infrastructure Development Program, circular economy, and 5+2 innovative industries.

In her 2016 inaugural address Tsai also said Taiwan would pursue membership in the regional trade agreements the Trans-Pacific Partnership and the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership. Although Taiwan eventually applied in 2021 to join the TPP’s successor, the CPTPP, there’s no certainty Taiwan will ever be invited into the CPTPP, and with China a member of the RCEP, there is little likelihood that Taiwan can join. Perhaps it’s best for Lai that he not mention Taiwan’s hopes to join these two trade agreements.

5. Relationship With the Opposition: Unlike his two immediate predecessors, Tsai Ing-wen and Ma Ying-jeou, Lai will not enjoy a majority in the Legislative Yuan. In the few months since the new Legislative Yuan took office this past February, there are already numerous situations that show how difficult relations will be between the Legislative Yuan majority from the Chinese Nationalist Party, and the Executive Yuan or Presidential Office. Will Lai refer to this situation, and will he offer to work with the Legislative Yuan majority from a different political party?

▲ Lai will not enjoy a majority in the Legislative Yuan.(Photo/Yu-Kang Li)

In addition to lawmaking, and the Legislative Yuan majority’s desire to monitor the Lai government, Lai’s relations with the opposition will also include the issue of transitional justice that Lai inherits from President Tsai. In fact, President Tsai devoted a portion of her 2016 inaugural address to this topic, and she certainly achieved much in this regard, starting with the Act Governing the Settlement of Ill-gotten Properties by Political Parties and Their Affiliate Organizations that the Legislative Yuan passed into law on July 25, 2016, only two months after Tsai took office. Subsequently the Ill-Gotten Party Assets Settlement Committee froze many of the Chinese Nationalist Party’s assets, a situation the Chinese Nationalist Party has failed to recover from.

Separately, there are other things to watch in Lai’s address. Will Lai refer to Taiwan’s closest ally, the United States, and say that relations are rock solid as the Taiwan government often does? Will Lai refer to democracy versus autocracy as the Taiwan government also often does? Will Lai confirm that his government will continue the New Southbound Policy? How much of his address will be devoted to important domestic social issues such as elder care, housing costs, and low salaries?

In 2024 there is a large number of elections around the world. Some countries will have new leaders taking over. Few new leaders will be as closely watched, or have a vital role in geopolitics, as Lai. Good luck to him!

● 本文獲授權,轉載自「中時電子報」。以上言論不代表本網立場,歡迎投書《雲論》讓優質好文被更多人看見,請寄editor88@ettoday.net,本網保有文字刪修權。