
regular sugar > less sugar > half sugar > quarter sugar > sugar-free
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2. 冰塊多少(amount of ice)

Regular ice > easy ice > ice-free
3. 原料(ingredient)
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tapioca pearl 珍珠 / grass jelly 仙草 / flan 布丁 / rat noodle 粉條
4. 怎麼拿呢?(how to carry)
for here 內用 / to go 外帶 / tray 用托盤 / bag 裝袋
5. 水(water)和碳酸飲料(carbonated drinks)
[廣告] 請繼續往下閱讀...
mineral water 礦泉水 / sparkling water 氣泡水
spark / soda 汽水
6. 果汁(juice)
kiwi fruit juice 奇異果汁 / plum green tea 梅子綠茶 / cranberry juice 蔓越莓汁 / avocado milk 酪梨牛奶
grapefruit green tea 葡萄柚綠茶 / kumquat and lemon juice 金桔檸檬 / pear juice 梨汁 / pomegranate juice 石榴汁
7. 加味茶(scented tea)
ginseng tea 蔘茶 / ginger decoction 薑茶 / lavender tea 薰衣草茶 / chamomile tea 洋甘菊茶
honey citron tea 蜂蜜柚子茶 / lemon balm tea 檸檬薄荷茶 / thyme tea 百里香茶 / peony tea 牡丹花茶