張靜案》林鈺雄/律師自身涉案 事務所非搜索禁地




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Sérvulo & Associados - Sociedade de Advogados, Rl v. Portugal

歐洲人權法院針對里斯本知名律師事務所Sérvulo & Associados被搜索而提出之申訴案,於2015年9月作出的標竿裁判。注意案例是律師本身/事務所人員已經涉嫌貪腐、洗錢等犯罪,而非其所代理或辯護之人涉嫌而已。這是重要的案例,歐洲人權法院裁判當日就發新聞稿。

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※ 主旨: The search of a law firm’s offices and the seizure of computer files and emails did not infringe right to respect for private life

※ 說明: In today’s Chamber judgment in the case of Sérvulo & Associados - Sociedade de Advogados, Rl v. Portugal (application no. 27013/10) the European Court of Human Rights held, by a majority, that there had been: no violation of Article 8 (right to respect for private and family life)of the European Convention on Human Rights. The case concerned the search of a law firm’s offices and the seizure of computer files and email messages, during an investigation into suspected corruption, acquisition of prohibited interests and money laundering in connection with the purchase by the Portuguese Government of two submarines from a German consortium. The Court found that the seizure of computer records in the offices of the law firm had been compensated for by procedural safeguards to prevent abuse and arbitrariness and to protect legal professional secrecy.


※ 觀察重點:區別!

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Fact:...including a lawyer who had worked on behalf of the law firm, on suspicion of corruption, acquisition of prohibited interests and money laundering.


Ruling:procedural safeguards to prevent abuse and arbitrariness and to protect legal professional secrecy.



※ 小結





A情形,若檢方發動搜索去扣押當事人與律師秘匿特權之資料,自是不可。等於是檢方可以躺著辦案,秘匿特權蕩然無存,影響律師職業自由與當事人辯護權。這部分也都是受歐洲人權公約保障的權利。 B、C情形,律師事務所非搜索禁地。但要注意程序擔保,尤其不可以「順便」扣押無關本案的其他秘匿特權文件。


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