


香港人不懂台灣陳案到底在吵什麼。轉引一位香港律師來問的問題,他是香港抗爭運動者,也曾公開投過書(別問誰):「為何陳來台 台灣就會喪失國家主權?」

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今天單單蘋果評論就兩篇香港大律師和泛民主派議員(可不是護航逃犯條例的建制派)的投書,說明為何香港根本沒有管轄權 (但港府當然可以也應該設法協助陳案的港台合作)。



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香港大律師 林忌:




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再看一下香港法院在陳案說了什麼?(v. 我國政府聲明:港府有無管轄權部分,應由香港法院作出正式裁定,絕對不會私了):

 ‘Great frustration’

It is understandable that great frustration and a genuine sense of unfairness, to say the least, would be felt when an accused’s admission about killing someone outside this jurisdiction could not be a basis to bring a murder or manslaughter charge in Hong Kong,

Judge Anthea Pang said "great frustration and a serious sense of unfairness" should not overshadow the fact that the case was a money laundering prosecution, not a murder trial.


42. That said, it is understandable that great frustration and a genuine sense of unfairness, to say the least, would be felt when an accused’s admission about killing someone outside this jurisdiction could not be a basis to bring a murder/manslaughter charge in HK. However, justice equally demands that an accused is to be sentenced on the basis of the offences with which he has been charged and of which he has been convicted, not on any other offences or matters, albeit matters which may disclose much greater criminality than the offences charged.

43. We should never lose sight of the fact that no matter how likely an accused has actually committed a most heinous crime, he is entitled to the full protection of his rights associated with a fair trial. If it were otherwise, it would mean short-circuiting our criminal procedure and this affects not only the accused, but also the integrity of our entire criminal justice system. These are fundamental principles which should always be borne in mind.

44. Now, other than the disputed paragraphs, there is full acceptance on the part of the defence that the Accused knew that the properties he dealt with were proceeds arising from the thefts he committed on the deceased whom, admittedly, he himself had killed.



►港籍殺人犯投案 遮掩心機的「反送台」?


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